We offer a range of packages
Tanning (Men & Women's) Packages from $130
Hair & Make-up Package $220
Tanning & Make-up Packages $240
Hair - Make-up & Tanning Package $320
Hair & Tanning Package $220
Make-up only $140
Hairstyling only $100
Tanning Touch-ups & Glazing Package from $160
Tanning, Make-up, Hair & Glazing Touch-up Package $380
Happy to accommodate any service that may not be on the booking form
The Ultimate Beauty Team come highly recommended by the ICN for several reasons.
~ The Ultimate Beauty Team have over 10 years+ of experience helping competitors prepare for the stage.
~ We understand the importance of making your appointments easy and convenient; therefore, we have set up 3 pre-tanning locations (South, Central & North) for your first tanning session Friday 22nd April 2022.
~ The Ultimate Beauty Team are located in their own large private room set up at Perth Convention centre (Riverside Theatre). This allows for a stress-free day with all your needs met in one place. During your time with the team, we also help support you during the competition, with our touch-up packages as well as general care and help, such as changing into your outfits and anything else you may require.
How the booking process works & further information
Complete the booking form with your information, make sure to include your division/s you are competing in so I can book you the most suitable time on the day. All times and location choices are available on the form, don't worry if you are unsure, as when I go to finalize your booking times I will check your division to make sure you are happy with your designated times.
The prices for all packages are on the form.
Choose your pre-tanning session times & location. Times are from 10 am till 9 pm and we have three locations for your convenience; Wattleup (South), Highgate (Central), Wanneroo (North).
Choose your final time. There are some recommendations as to what times suit your division but I suggest you look at the running order and book a time suitable. I would suggest that you choose a time that allows for you to be finished at least 2 hours before you are on stage.
Times for your bookings. Allow 20-30 mins for your tanning sessions both at your pre-tan & then for your final tanning session. Hair & make-up allow 1 hour & 15 mins. Ultimate package (hair, make-up & tanning allow up to 2 hours.
On the day, all final appointments are at the Perth Convention centre, Riverside Theatre competition venue. We will have staff there on the day to help you find us and direct you where to go. As per the request of the ICN, there are to be no friends or family allowed in the dressing rooms while we are preparing you for the stage!
Once you complete your online booking form your will receive an email within 5 - 20 mins. Please check your junk inbox. If you haven't received an email within 24 hours please email me at booknow@ultimatebeauty.com.au or contact me on 0458 549 650. When I receive your online booking I now have your information and will book you in our system. Final booking confirmation emails will be sent out between the 21st - 28th of March 2022. If you need your booking times prior to this date, I'm happy to verbally confirm your times until your receive your official email.
Deposit information. You will receive detailed information via email once you book on how to pay your deposit and how much is required. You are not required to pay your deposit straight away. DO NOT PAY prior to the 1st of February 2022. Deposits are required by the 12th March 2022.
Package Information
Tanning: includes 2 sessions, one on Friday 22nd April at one of our various locations and then the final tanning is from the competition venue and we use muscle tan.
Hair & make-up: includes full eye make-up, matching foundation, contouring etc, lips and strip lashes or individual lashes. Hair includes any styling of your choice and yes includes either permanent hair extensions or clip-in extensions of your own.
Touch-up packages: Men's tanning touch-up packages include all tanning plus tanning touch-ups on the day and glazing oil by the Ultimate Beauty Team. Women's tanning & glazing touch-up package includes tanning touch-ups & glazing if needed by the ultimate Beauty Team. The touch-up package includes any tanning, make-up & hair touch-ups as well as glazing is for any clients who have booked either the full package, hair & makeup or makeup & tanning package etc and allows you to come for any touch-ups and glazing as needed.
Further information
~ When I send you your final confirmation email between the 21st - 28th of March 2022, this will include information about how to prepare your skin, what to wear, your times & locations. As well as other bits of information.
~ You will also receive information the week of your pre-tanning session. This explains what to expect after your pre-tanning session and what's normal.
~ If you decide to upgrade your package that is not a problem, and I will always do my best to accommodate your changes.
~ I often have competitors who are not yet 100% on which category they are doing which makes it hard to finalize your time, please let me know if this is your situation and I always do my best to make it work.
~ Lastly, if you have any questions during this process please feel free to email, ask questions on the FB group page (Ultimate Beauty Team @ West Coast Supershow 2022 ) or contact me on 0458 549 650. No questions are ever silly and I'm here to answer any questions during this process.